أرشيف التصنيف: blogging

#AB14 Kicks off in Amman: Iraqi and Syrian Bloggers Missing Thanks to Red Tape

It was a bitter sweet reunion for Arab bloggers and activists at the Fourth Arab Bloggers Meeting, which kicked off in Amman, Jordan, this morning.

The four-day gathering, bringing around 80 bloggers, activists and academics from across the region and beyond, includes a three-day retreat for Arab bloggers, which culminates with a public meeting on Thursday.

Missing from the meeting were prominent bloggers Egyptian Alaa Abdel Fattah and Syrian Bassel Al Safadi, both in jail in their countries.

Palestinan Abir Kopty tallies up those missing:

متابعة قراءة #AB14 Kicks off in Amman: Iraqi and Syrian Bloggers Missing Thanks to Red Tape

“Yes, I will leave the online world”

Mauritanian netizens are experiencing anger, sadness, and confusion, along with feelings of solidarity, after young Mauritanian blogger Mazid Weld ElSheikh, sent a letter to his father on Facebook in which he pledged to deactivate his Facebook account until his father forgave him for his recent activities on the social network.  Earlier this month, a group of religious extremists accused ElSheikh of blasphemy, printed the blogger’s Facebook updates and showed  them to his father. In response, his father demanded that ElSheikh shut down all of his social media accounts and stop writing. His mother pleaded with her son to leave his social media accounts. On her own Facebook account, she asked everyone to leave her son alone. متابعة قراءة “Yes, I will leave the online world”

موريتانيا: الإنترنت والتوق إلى التغيير

صورة من إعتصام سابق للمعارضة في ساحة إبن عباس، نواكشوط. تصوير: أحمد جدو
صورة من إعتصام سابق للمعارضة في ساحة إبن عباس، نواكشوط. تصوير: أحمد جدو

كانت أول مصافحة بين موريتانيا وشبكة الانترنت في عام 1997، وتمت في نطاق ضيق فقد كانت هناك شركة وحيدة تتصل بالشبكة هي “توب تكنولوجيز”، وظل تواجد الإنترنت ضعيفاً وعلى نطاق ضئيل، فمع بداية الألفية لم يكن عدد المستخدمين يزيد عن الألفين، حيث كان الوصول إلى الشبكة يقتصر على بعض المؤسسات وبعض المقاهي في وسط العاصمة.

متابعة قراءة موريتانيا: الإنترنت والتوق إلى التغيير

Wrapping up the Third Arab Bloggers meeting

By Donatella Della Ratta, posted originally on mediaoriente.

I`ve just returned after a long week  of travels, the most exciting of them being the days spent in Tunis for the third Arab Bloggers meeting (#AB11).

I attended the second one in Beirut, 2009, and thought this was awesome. The atmosphere at the time was that of “something in the making”.
متابعة قراءة Wrapping up the Third Arab Bloggers meeting